Three Years of Blues Foundation

Another landmark milestone has reached our charity as we celebrate three years of Blues Foundation and the impact we have been able to already undertake within Bedfordshire – and look forward to the future full of promise and opportunity.

From rugby camps to outreach projects, golf days to disability sport and everything else in between – all delivered by a dedicated and resourceful group of staff – it has been an incredible three years for everyone involved with highly promising and inspirational results.

We have been humbled by the people we have met along the way and feel incredibly fortunate to have been able to have a significant impact on making their lives better; whether that be vocationally, emotionally, through upskilling or anything else besides.

Our work not only has an impact on those who participate with what we offer but also impacts on us, ourselves, as we become inspired and grow exponentially from people we meet doing what we love best; helping others.

And while it is hugely important to reflect on what has gone before, we immediately re-focus and look towards the future with big ambitions and plans to continue impacting on the lives of as many people as possible across Bedfordshire.

We, of course, would love you to join us on the journey with us – whether that be through monthly donations on our CHAMPION scheme, volunteering at our fundraising days or however you best feel you can also make a difference to those in our community who may need that little extra bit of support.

The sky really is the limit here at Blues Foundation and any support you could give us would result in a huge societal impact. Please do get in contact with to see how you could get involved with our charity!

As mentioned, we’re proud of the impact we’ve already made within Bedfordshire; now it’s time to kick on even further and expand the offering to provide even more alternatives targeted towards a variety of different demographics. Stay tuned to our website and social media channels for all the latest developments in the coming weeks and months.

Blues Foundation Manager, Tom Harwood said: “From what felt like a small acorn at the start of being granted charitable status has grown into a huge community that has proven societal impact, brings people together and ultimately succeeds in our biggest objectives; including promoting positive physical, mental and emotional health.

“Having been involved right from the start, I’m extremely humbled to see what we have managed to achieve, the support we’ve been able to give to so many in our local communities, as well as planning for the future with prosperity and excitement.

“We can’t do the work we do without the support we receive from so many, and we’d encourage others to reach out and lend a hand to be part of what is already a phenomenal journey and will continue to be in the future.

“It’s been a fantastic three years so here’s to the next three and beyond!”


  • Over 6000+ children supported through our project

  • Over 8000+ hours of physical activity delivered

  • Over 3,200 children engaged through rugby specific activation since merging with Bedford Blues Communit

  • Over 40,000 items donated to Bedford Foodbank in the past three year.

  • Over 5,500 meals delivered to vulnerable families and individuals

  • Over 1,800 laptops and devices donated to help bridge the digital divide

  • Multiple flagship projects including Tackle LIFE & ABILITY Blues launched and piloted

  • Partnerships developed with Bedford Borough Council and Bedfordshire Police, supporting young people at risk of offending

  • Relationship built with Bedford College to deliver well-being and activity packages

  • Over 700 children aged 5 – 15 engaged with as part of our Summer Holiday Programmes

  • More families encouraged to exercise as part of our Families Fund Project

  • Bespoke physical activity project for Penrose Housing targeting the promotion of positive mental and physical health

Don’t forget, there are plenty of other ways to support Blues Foundation so keep checking our website regularly and all our social media channels to hear first about our latest initiatives; or sign up to our newsletter by clicking here for regular updates.

You can find Blues Foundation on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Alternatively, you can contact Blues Foundation Manager, Tom Harwood via email at with any specific questions you may have.

Tom Harwood