Be You students support Kids Out and Women’s Aid

We asked our Be You group with a Community Charity Project, we had 21 self-care bags for females, these contained female care products to help those who may be in need or require them. The aim of this project was to get students thinking about giving back to the community and helping others who maybe a little less fortunate than themselves.

Students were tasked with researching different charities to ascertain a charity that they would like to donate to and would be suitable for the donation. As a whole group they decided to split into two research groups, and they would split the amount of bag in half and donate to different charities. Kelsey was very excited about this, and she led the group in research and making notes on the white board. Kelsey can be very silly and immature at times; however, when it came to the community charity project her whole approach seemed to change. She was very focused and determine to pick the correct charity and ensure they went to a cause that it would benefit.  

Kelsey was the one who researched the charity Kids Out, she found out what the charity does the and their targeted group of individual and found the contact details. Once the students had finished all their research, they had decided to donate half the self-care bags to the Kids Out trust. To do this, they needed to know how to donate to Kids Out.

After getting off the phone Kelsey said, “oh my god that was so hard, I was so scared”. She also said “I would be confident enough to call any business if I needed to or speak to someone important in the future”. This is a great development as she will need this in the future for interviews or when she starts work. 

The other task was for the group to write a note to their chosen charity to explain who they were, what they were donating and why they chose to donate to that charity. Kelsey wrote a note to Kids Out for me to read to them when I delivered the self-care bags to them it read:

‘We are donating to Kidsout because kids have been struggling with mental and physical health. Kids have also been struggling financially and can’t buy products that other kids have. As young women ourselves this means a lot to use. We are a group of girls from the Bedford Blues Projects and we have decided together to donate these bags to your charity. We hope they help’  

Tom Harwood